23 January, 2008

Open EVS placements in Greece / 2006-GR-23

TerraNEON (2006-GR-23) is preparing summer EVS Activity by the beach out of Larisa. Target group of the Activity is young people, and special target group is people with disabilities

Currently, we are looking for EVS volunteers to contribute in the tasks.
We d like to apply to the Greek National Agency of Youth In Action before 1st February deadline, the duration of the activities may be between 4 and 8 months, starting in 1st of May

2 of the volunteers will come from Program Countries and 2 from South East Europe. (gender/geographical balance)
The Activity is open for volunteers with less opportutities (except mobility problems)

TerraNEON has published a guide, available in hard or electronic copy, with details about the Activity.

Young people 18-28 years old, interested in contributing in the tasks of the Activity, and sending organisations should contact TerraNEON as soon as posible!
Deadline to submit the application to the Greek National Agency for co-funding the project through Youth In Action programme is 1st February 2008.

Youth mobility centre is accredited EVS hosting and sending organisation:

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