01 April, 2008

New Youth in Action projects in TerraNEON!!!!! Cheers!!!!

Greek National Agency of Youth in Action program accepted to co-fund
  • "Arts for Inclusion"
    Partner countries are: Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, Spain and Czech Republic.
    There will four participants from each country, in pairs: a youth worker with a young person, and a social worker with a person with disabilities, all interested in art as a tool for activities for youth groups with mixed abilities (with and without disabilities) and different backrounds
    Venue and dates (9 days including arrival and departure days) to be confirmed
  • EVS in TerraNEON! Ismael from France, Noellia from Spain, and Bilhana and Danijel from Servia will involve actively in TerraNEON summer activities! Since two months ago has been approved the hosting of Liv from Norway, and these are all the international members of TerraNEON team, until today.
    The hosting period is 8 months and it can start after 1st of May.

We are looking forward to meet all of you either you ll come in Greece for short term or long term period!

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